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This shard provides a Crystal implementation of the token bucket algorithm for rate limiting. You can check out the API documentation here.


1 - Add the dependency to your shard.yml:

    github: lbarasti/rate_limiter

2 - Run shards install


Remember to import the shard at the top of your file.

require "rate_limiter"

Now you can initialise a rate limiter that produces 1 token every few seconds

rl = 3.seconds)

Mind that the first call to #get will return immediately, as buckets are initialised with 1 token, by default.

rl.get # => RateLimiter::Token(2020-11-29 20:36:56 UTC)

The next call to #get will block for approx. 3 seconds

start_time = Time.utc
Time.utc - start_time # => 00:00:03.000426843

We can also provide a max_wait parameter to #get.


This call will block for at most 0.5 seconds. If a token is not returned within that interval, then a RateLimiter::Timeout is returned.

Rate limiters also expose non-blocking methods.

rl.get? # returns `nil` if no token is available

rl.get! # raises a RateLimiter::Timeout exception if no token is available

You can pass #get! a max_wait parameter.


This will raise a RateLimiter::Timeout exception if no token is returned within a 1 second interval.

Burst size

You can define a rate limiter that accumulates unused tokens up to the specified value by providing a max_burst parameter to - the default is 1. 0.5, max_burst: 10)

This will generate 1 token every 2 seconds and store up to 10 unused tokens for later use. See Wikipedia's Burst size for more details.


In the scenario where a part of your code needs to abide to two or more rate limits, you can combine multiple rate limiters into a MultiLimiter.

api_limiter = 10, max_burst: 60)
db_limiter = 100)
multi =, db_limiter)

You can also use the convenience constructor on the RateLimiter module.

multi =, db_limiter)

A MultiLimiter exposes the same API as a regular Limiter - they both include the LimiterLike module - so you can call the same flavours of #get methods on it.

When calling get on a MultiLimiter, it will try to acquire tokens from each one of the underlying rate limiters, and only return a token then.

Under the hood

A rate limiter produces one token in each interval. If the bucket has no more room available, then no token will be added for the interval.

Why do I need a rate limiter?


Run the following to run the tests.

crystal spec


  1. Fork it (<>)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
